Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Warehouse Map...

Please note this was done in MS Paint and is shit-tastic. It's close enough. :)

Does something look wrong in this picture to you

I'm not too certain about what the topmost aisle is numbered as, but I'm sure I got all of the off-numbered ones right. (The Warehouse has more aisles, but I wasn't up to putting them all into paint :p)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011



I use them. You use them. Right now, your reading them. But, I've noticed each word has it own flavor, style, taste in my mouth. Some words like kitchen and stove feel rough. They often are only a few syllables, and aren't used in every sentence. Other words, like syllables, are actually classy, and taste a tad sweet. Not by a whole lot, just somewhat. One word off the top of my head: Oriental. It has zing, spice, and rolls off of the tongue with excellent aftertaste (unless your in the wrong bar :p).

But...that word isn't what I'm going to talk about today. In fact...I'm going to talk about a type of slipper the Warehouse I work in carries...Snoozies.

Cute, adorable, and funny little duddies XD

That makes me laugh. I think its because I envision the potential commercial for them would be along the lines of Snuggies. Which I have one, and I like it. That's another word that makes me chuckle...but not nearly as much as Snoozies. LoL. Today I had to rstrain myself from laughing as I looked at the Pink/White Zebra striped ones I was pulling. Seriously? What the fuck's wrong with me? XD

Monday, November 7, 2011

Grabbing at Women's UnderGarments

Eh, that title came out wrong.

In truth, I was learning the main points of pulling out stock. It just so happens that we have women's underwear at the Warehouse, and those happened to be articles of clothing I was reaching for(quite greedily actually XD). If only we carried women's clothing that looks as if it weren't meant for old ladies. C'mon! The shirts have polka-dots. WTF?

Also, I'm trying to make "friends". I have to see the people everyday, so I might as well.

Tomorrow is another day, for another dollar.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bowling for 67!!


I managed to get a 67 in the 9th frame of bowling. That certainly beats my consecutive 62's when I was bowling in the league last Friday >.>

I'll take the 67 as a compliment to Pepsi, pasta, and laughs. Now all I need to do is figure how to make the camera on my phone transfer pics to my compute! Yaaaaaay. -.-

Monday is around the corner, and quite likely a little rant about how much I "love" my job.

Teh Spooks

So, yesterday I had a little kid over. We played games and more or less had a decent time. Later on during the night however, we were watching some Bullshit show called Ghost Adventures. Eventually, the tyke must've saw a little flash, or perhaps a cat walking around. Well, either way the next thing I know is that he's screaming and yelling something about something doing something to him. I dunno, but I think Ghost Adventures is a bad show. It tends to bring out the creeps... >.<

For you lucky folks who've never heard of this rubbish, Ghost Adventures vids can be viewed here.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Christmas in November??

What the hell man?? Why do the stinking stores always display Christmas trees at the start of fuckin' November?? I think it is not only stupid, but also very annoying. I understand they are trying to drum up business, but come the fuck on!!! We already know we're gonna be blowing >$500 at the nearest Walmart this year! Christmas is gonna come even if you don't put out your ugly-ass trees with those crappy ornaments >.>

Its even worse with that big-ass tree they put on display! You can the whole fucking thing for $150! You know why? Because even they don't the damn thing! Who in the right mind would want to decorate that big-ass thing in November??????????

Sorry, I had to rant about Christmas in November...Way to make Thanksgiving an even less important holiday. And expect to see this same post in about a year. lol

Unleashing the Pretzel!!

This blog is, as the title suggests, the Pretzel. The problem with blogs is like that of have to eat more than 1. So open a bag of pretzels and chill out in this blog. That's pretty much what I'm gonna do.


I curse. A LOT. Enjoy^_^

Language is not so vulgar as me openly saying shit about sexual activities. But it can get pretty bad at times. Read the opening paragraph once more if you find any offense to this.

Violent posting is not permitted, and will usually result in me not only deleting the orignial post, but also making a mockery of it and you. And maybe yo mamma! (For the slow douchebags, "Violent Posting" includes talking about murder, racial slurs, and if I won't talk about it here, you shouldn't either).

I'm going to talk about a variety of topics. My mind wanders a--Ooh! A nickel :p

Blog =/= iDiary. Blog = WhateverthefuckIdecidetotalkabout. As a result, I might make several posts a day. Refer to the rule of pretzels.

Cheers, beers, spears, and queers!